Autumn is upon us!

In this season the days become shorter, the nights a little cooler and the air crisper. It’s the time of year when THANKFUL is a word we hear a lot. And we are thankful for YOU, our customers. We appreciate you!!

Also at this time of year everyone will be getting ready for changes in the yard and garden. Fall is the perfect time to plant perennials and shrubs. Cooler nights result in important root growth to establish strong, healthy plants. It is time to clean out the remnants of the summer garden and plant cool weather vegetables. Add mums and pansies to your flower beds for fall color after summer blooms are gone.

The yard needs special attention at this time of year. Cooler weather is great for plugging, seeding and fertilizing the yard. We have a wonderful selection of grass seed as well as lime and fertilizer.

And let’s not forget fall  decor for inside  and outside the house! Stop in an visit us soon.

Fall is just around the corner

With the onset of cooler days and nights (who knows when that might occur?) – it’s time to:

  1. Rake or blow leaves and recycle them as mulch for your perennial plants and trees.
  2. Create new beds and rearrange or expand the old ones. Spring planting will be less tedious.
  3. Plant bulbs, such as crocus, en mass, for a bigger “show” in the spring.
  4. Consider planting deciduous trees whose leaves will provide fall color next year. Those reds, yellows, and oranges will be beautiful accents to your landscape.
  5. Plant ornamental cabbage, kale, violas and pansies now as they will “settle in” before the cold weather comes along. They should be in the ground at least 6 weeks before the first freeze.
  6. Add mulch or pine needles to beds once the majority of leaves have fallen.

Fall is coming, folks. Have faith!


Time to Prepare for Your Fall Garden

It’s time to set out those fall veggies.  The cool weather crops need to go in the ground now, so as to have time to produce in the fall.  Be sure to keep them watered well, as long as it is hot, and enjoy those greens, lettuces, cabbage, broccoli and herbs!

Our hummingbirds are still coming around, loving the summer flowers.  Don’t forget to remove spent blooms of petunias, butterfly bushes, salvia, and lantana, so as to encourage new growth.  This will ensure that the butterflies and the hummingbirds have plenty of nectar.

When it gets really hot and dry for extended periods, it’s a great idea to keep your lawn higher than 2 inches. Mow it at a lesser height and the grass turns brown. Stressed grass thins out and this encourages the growth of weeds.  After September, when it cools down, you can mow it shorter

Yellow jackets and wasps really get active in August.  They can be found around swimming pools, soft drinks, and picnics.  If you have seen them flying to and from a low spot near the ground, wait until dusk to spray them.  They will have all returned to the nest by then and you can kill them with an aerosol can pesticide of your choice (preferably one with a 20′ stream, so as not to get stung).

And last, but not least, be sure and trim up any shrubs that are looking shaggy now.  Trimming any later than this month may cause the sprouting new growth to freeze and die.  If you are unable to trim this month wait until the plants go dormant in winter.

Fall is just around the corner and we cannot wait for Mums, pumpkins, pansies, and lots of cool air.  Enjoy these last hot days.  There aren’t many left!


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