Happy New Year! According to Blum’s Almanac, January is going to be a wet month, but hang on – Spring is coming. In the meantime you can prepare for it by doing the following:
- Start servicing your lawn equipment for spring. Sharpen blades, check tires for wear and air pressure, and of course, oil, plugs and filters.
- Make certain that your bulbs have a good mulch cover. Our up-and-down temperatures cause freezing and thawing conditions. Mulch creates insulation to break the cycle.
- If you need some inside color, bulbs can still be planted indoors. Paperwhites grow beautifully in a tall vase of rocks and warm water (throw bulbs away after their fragrant blooms fade) – However Amaryllis can be saved after bloom. They will rebloom for years. if stored properly.
- And, as always, January is a great time to start seeds indoors. They can be planted in pots, trays or with the sealed-lid method. Just be certain that the seedlings have warmth, light, and moisture. It’s a great entertainment for kids and helps us to pass the extra time indoors.
- Main Street will also be reducing inventory so as to make room for new merchandise. Come by and check out our sale items!